Hello there, welcome back.
We appreciate the positive response to our Q1 and Q2 Sales data and trends blog post(Read Here). Like some of you, I am a massive data nerd. We love sifting through performance data for Flight Factory, as well as any data we can find on the competition too...shhh.
So lets dive into our Q3 numbers and hit on some of the high points.

First, Innova continued to widen the gap from number the #2 on our list. There are a number of factors on this, but the main reasons consisted of the Calvin Heimburg partnership, massive inventory improvements, and a solid custom and event fundraiser disc program.
Discraft maintained their spot at #2 in sales dollars, BUT, the MVP brands overtook Discraft in units sold! Celebrate the win Gyronauts....you deserve it.
We continued to see massive improvements in inventory from everyone except for Discraft and Kastaplast. Our Discraft inventory did increase some, but, it was minimal. Discraft continued to send us mystery boxes of 100-200 random discs/month in Q3 and only sent us a fraction of what we needed on the "good stuff" and on new releases. We are doing everything in our power to get the same amount of discs as other top retailers, but, we haven't had much luck yet. With ample inventory, Discraft would have easily secured the #2 spot and closed the gap between themselves and Innova. Limited discs = Limited sales.
Big Movers - Trending Up
- Millennium: Much credit to a large run of Lunar Draco's to support Calvin Heimburg.
- Discmania: Much better inventory + a lot of signature releases
- Infinite Discs: Halo.....Halo.....oh, and Halo. Partially kidding, but Infinite is proving to be a real player with their massive line of discs and wholesale availability.
Big Movers - Trending Down
- Prodigy: Prodigy continues to see a decline in their market share of our sales. We ordered a good bit of some of the new releases, but were disappointed with some of that demand.
- Kastaplast: Nothing to do with popularity, everything to do with availability. It is quite funny when we open an order form and see order caps between 3 and 5 on some options. Q4 points to some improvements on this though...so stay tuned!
- Dynamic, Lat64, Westside: We touched on this heavily in the last blog, but the demand for the Trilogy brands seem to be weaker than we expected, although anything Kristin Tattar won't stay in stock. I am happy to see some of the recent DD releases, including more Orbit plastic and focuses on unique stamps and new plastics. We also need to build out our inventory more to carry every disc...there are just so many plastic types and discs across the 3 brands.
New Brands (and more to come?)
You will notice a handful of new brands on this list, including Clash, Doomsday, Divergent, and Mint Discs. Mint was the most popular of these, with unique stamps and numerous new molds released this year.(Check out Mint Discs)
We plan to jump on the Lone Star Discs train and add some other established brands such as Gateway, Yikun, Wild Discs(already added in Q4), and RPM to name a few.
That's all for now. Q4 trends will be sure to come with some surprises, so stay tuned for that in January.
Thanks again for all of the support in 2022. We can't wait to show you what we have lined up in 2023!
Until next time.
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